"Dolonia" (2007)
1. Sing, Oh! Goddess, Peleus Son's Wrath 2. Vile and Coward 3. Singular ContestBetween Hector and Ayante, The Son of Telamon 4. Desperate Struggle...Fight with Xanthus 5. Antenor's Son 6. Dolonia 7. Patroclu's Cadaver 8. Sound of My Sorrow, Honour Games to Patroclus
1. Sing, Oh! Goddess, Peleus Son's Wrath
2. Vile and Coward
3. Singular ContestBetween Hector and Ayante, The Son of Telamon
4. Desperate Struggle...Fight with Xanthus
5. Antenor's Son
Standing face to face
Both warriors look at their eyes
Zeus loves yourselves
But here someone has to die
Now i know why you do this
I have to kill my brother’s asassin
Standing face to face
Both warriors look at their eyes
Zeus loves yourselves
But here someone has to die
Now i know why you do this
I have to kill my brother’s asassin
You great warrior, who are you
Who’s is your father
Cloudens my eyes
Now i know why you do this
I have to kill my brother’s asassin
Standing face to face
Both warriors look at their eyes
Zeus loves yourselves
But here someone has to die
Now i know why you do this
I have to kill my brother’s asassin
You great warrior, who are you
Who’s is your father
6. Dolonia
7. Patroclu's Cadaver
8. Sound of My Sorrow, Honour Games to Patroclus