
"In the Bleak Midwinter/Songs Of Solomon" (2001 Split)
1. Intro 2. Burial of the Grave 3. Blind For Reality 4. In the Bleak Midwinter 5. Sacrifice to Life 6. King of Kings and Lord of Lords 7. Ur Intets Mörker 8. Divine Light 9. Under Himmelen 10. Come Let us Flee 11. Separated By Night 12. Behind Thy Veil
1. Intro
2. Burial of the Grave
3. Blind For Reality
4. In the Bleak Midwinter
5. Sacrifice to Life
6. King of Kings and Lord of Lords
7. Ur Intets Mörker
Ur intet föddes en värld.
Genom mörkret skar hans brinnande svärd.
Ur ordet gavs allt levande form,
se klippiga berg och brådjupt hav,
skåden edens härlighet.
Ur stoftet bjöd han träda fram sin skapelses krona,
en kvinna och en man.
Skapade att älska och leva med varann.
Adam den förste,
Guds avglans på jorden stod inför henne,
lät höra de orden,
"se hon är kött av mitt kött, ben av mina ben".
Ja hon var hans krona hon var hans Eva,
skapad att ge liv skapad att leva,
fröjdas och vara helt nära sin man,
de skulle härska jorden och tjäna varann.
From nothing, a world was born
Through darkness, carved his flaming sword
From the word, all living was formed
Behold rocky mountains and precipitous seas
Behold the splendour of Eden
From dust he let forth the crown of his creation
A woman and a man
Created to love and live with each other
Adam the first
God's glory of earth stood before her
Let hear those words
"Behold, she is flesh of my flesh, bones of my bones"
Yes she was his crown, He was his Eve
Created to give life, created to live
Merrily, and close to his man
They would rule the earth and serve each other
8. Divine Light
Lord El-shadai we pay thee homage
we thank thee for thy gift of love,
the sweet caress of erotic desire
burning with intensity beyond the flame of fire.
Hearts yearn bodies burn in devine light,
light shining since the word was spoken
since beams sprang forth from the dark of the void.
New life is growing everywhere,
bursting through the concrete walls of man.
Lord El-shadai all honour belongs to thee.
You are the artist,
all beauty sprang from thee,
and thy kingdom will last forever more.
9. Under Himmelen
10. Come Let us Flee
How fair you are how undefiled,
I find no words fit for thee
rise up my love and come away for lo,
the winter is over and gone
and the rains has passed away.
the gentle flowers appear in the blackened earth,
I hear the voice of a thousand birds,
I see the vines with tender grapes.
(I hear the whispers of the wind)
arise and come away,
let us flee my love,
do not turn away,
I am bound by thee.
My crown I lay down,
my royal masquerade.
To you I am just a simple man,
naked is my soul.
My heart is yours,
you have conquered me,
the land is vast, let us flee.
11. Separated By Night
I long for my garden, my love,
the wine of loneliness I have drunk.
I long to feed upon thy beauty,
open to me my sister, my dove.
For my hair is filled with dew,
in the shades of night I stand.
At thy gate I wait for thee,
Quench my thirst embrace me.
I roam the streets by night
driven by a passion beyond my darkest fear.
I can not sleep, I find no peace.
In deepest pain I dwell
like a possessed man under a spell.
My fragile heart is in thine hands.
My throat is dry,
no wine can quench my burning thirst.
12. Behind Thy Veil
Threescore of queens,
fourscore of concubines.
Virgins without numbers
like the clusters of the vines,
but you are one my love.
You are the one,
you have conquered my love.
Fair as the pale moon,
glorious as the sun,
awesome like the army of stars in the sky,
infinite and wide.
Thy breasts are like fruits
that I long to taste, that I long to hold.
You are so fair so beautiful and bold.
You are my love, my flawless one,
with you I will forever be.