
"1997-2000" (2001 Best of/Compilation)
1. Mind 2. Ancient Path 3. Punish the Evil 4. Unclean Plants 5. Even unto the Ends of the Earth 6. Borderland 7. Via Dolorosa 8. Ode till Olov Skotkonung 9. Lamentation 10. Daughter of the King 11. Kapplaten 12. Blod pa dina hander 13. Vals i burk moll
1. Mind
Ashtray, garbidge pile,
what is your mind?
Don´t let them feed you...
Don´t let them deceive you.
You reap what you sow...
Behold the truth remains the
same throughout the age.
2. Ancient Path
I saw one of the naive,
lacking sense,
walking to her corner,
by darkness covered.
Hiding his sin in the night.
I saw her come against him.
I saw her hold him tight,
seducing him with kisses,
flattery and smiles.
Forsake carnal lust.
Your God you shall trust.
Turn away impulsation.
Cleanse your heart.
Follow the ancient path of wisdom.
Let us drink our fill of love until dawn.
Like an ox goes to the slaughter,
he follows her home.
Her house is the way to hell,
descending to the chambers of death.
Rejoice in the wife of your youth.
Holy love, holy covenant, never to defile.
As a loving hind, flawless,
desire forever, a graceful doe she is.
Pleasure and delight. Covenant forever.
In folly they sin, in folly they die.
In wisdom we will walk, in glory we will rise.
Set me as a seal upon your heart.
Set me as a seal upon your arm.
Love burning forever, great waters cannot quench.
Pleasure forever.
3. Punish the Evil
Do you speak reighteousness you silent ones,
do you judge uprightly You sons on men?
No in your hearts you work wickednessyou
weigh Out the violenceof your hands in the earth.
There poison is like the poison of a serpent,
they are like a deaf cobra that stops its ear.
Brake out the teeth of there mouth o God!
Let them flow away as waters.
When he bends his bow, may his arrows be cut in pieces.
The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengance
he shall washHis feet in the blood of the wicked,
so that men will say, surely there is a reward for the righteous.
4. Unclean Plants
All this misguiding thoughts,
all this pollution of my uncontrolled mind,
leading me away from the purity of your spirit.
Blow out the dust holy spirit,
Rip my dirty garments apart,
this unclean plants please uproot.
All this desires that I have allowed to speak all
this toxic memories that I have hated and loved.
Let your light search througt this dark labyrint...
like a city that is broken into,
and without walls so is a man that
has no control over his mind.
Make me whole, that man o God, it is I.
5. Even unto the Ends of the Earth
Mil på mil från den plats där korset stod,
där blodet rann, ett köldbitet rike hans
tjänare fann.
In this land a people lived bound by fear of
heathen gods, trapprd in sin and great
misdeeds, accusations written in the blod
of holy men. Hades breath the chords of the
second death.
I höga nordens kalla land där rena bäckar
porla fram. Där folket fjättrat var i digra
mörkrets hand tände Herren helig brand.
They turned to this king in glory crownd,
In his grace they found. Yield fruit oh
land by the peoples labouring hand.
Welth and glory, blessings from above,
holy gifts more and more, for generations
spared from war.Dark clouds gathered upon
the sky of grace, our hidious sin covered
his face.
Trots att vi i mörker faller ner ej vår blick
mot himmelen ser,.. o fallna norra paradis.
Sträck dig åter till den som frihet gav, den
dig reste ur din grav, den som livet seger gav.
Even in this days he opens his arms
for the ones that are lost.
Till dig stod Herrens välbehag, du har kränkt
hans Heliga lag. Skynda till hans fadersfamn
han skall lotsa dig i hamn.
Even in this day a stream of blood from calvery
still flows, as far as the message goes, even
unto the ends of the earth.
6. Borderland
I saw one of the naive,
lacking sense,
walking to her corner,
by darkness covered.
Hiding his sin in the night.
I saw her come against him.
I saw her hold him tight,
seducing him with kisses,
flattery and smiles.
Forsake carnal lust.
Your God you shall trust.
Turn away impulsation.
Cleanse your heart.
Follow the ancient path of wisdom.
Let us drink our fill of love until dawn.
Like an ox goes to the slaughter,
he follows her home.
Her house is the way to hell,
descending to the chambers of death.
Rejoice in the wife of your youth.
Holy love, holy covenant, never to defile.
As a loving hind, flawless,
desire forever, a graceful doe she is.
Pleasure and delight. Covenant forever.
In folly they sin, in folly they die.
In wisdom we will walk, in glory we will rise.
Set me as a seal upon your heart.
Set me as a seal upon your arm.
Love burning forever, great waters cannot quench.
Pleasure forever.
7. Via Dolorosa
As foretold by the prophet,
he approached on the back of a donky.
The humble king, Messiah the promised one,
singing and praising ascending to the sky,
a joyful crowd.. Hosanna, Hosanna hail to the king!
But he knew this would all change sudden as the wind,
he knew his mission.
Take the blows for there transgressions,
sink to the plase where they belong.
Preach for those who wait to burn,
crush the snake take the keys of death and then return.
Via dolorosa the price YOU could not pay,
Immanuel, Messiah the one God choose to slay.
Deeply distressed, and sorrowful unto death,
he fell on his face and prayed:
-“Father if it is your will, remove this cup from me;
nevertheless not my will, but yours be done.”
In his agony he prayed more earnestly and his
sweat become like blood, falling to the ground.
(hunted down son of God!)
Brought to trial, for that he had not done,
killed for the crime of beeing thier saviour.
He was sacrificed for you and me.
He had to carrie his own cross to the hill of sacrifice,
stumbling feet, fadeing eyes.
They pierced his flesh.
He was nailed to the cross.
“ELI! ELI! LEMA SABACHTHANI, why have you forsaken me?
Father forgive them, for they know not what they do!
The mocking crowd insaulting Their God:
“Get down from your cross, help yourself helper!”
The sky turned dark then its creator
was about to give up his breath.
“ Father, in your hands I commit my spirit.
It is finished!
But after three days in the grave he saw the sun,
the deal was done, The fight was won.
In death he overcame.
Go out and preach his name,
He is God! Glorious!
Risen! KING!
8. Ode till Olov Skotkonung
Över kala hällar, genom mörkan skog.
Korsfärd vid jordens yttersta gräns.
Olov Skötkonung, kung i svunnen tid.
Från nord till syd, beläten i spillror slogs,
befrielsekrig vid jordens yttersta gräns.
Olov Skötkonung…
Olov Skötkonung i den ringa begynnelsens tid.
I kalla vatten, klädd i snövit särk från asars grepp dö bort,
från synd och död stå upp. För evig befrielse strid!
Olov Skötkonung strid i den ringa begynnelsens tid.
Genom strid till frid. Slå fri! Fri till frälsning.
Evigt fri...
9. Lamentation
The beauty of Israel is slain,
tell it not in Gath lest philistine women boast.
On thee O Gilboa mountain no dew shall fall,
for there my brother fell.
How are the mighty fallen.
victorious in war they where no,
hungry sword returned.
Swifter than eagles, stronger than lions.
Pleasent they where father and son.
even in death not devided.
Weep for them O daughters of my people.
The beauty you wear was paid with their swords.
Scarlet robes and ornaments of gold.
Even in the midst of the battle.
O Jonathan thou wast slain,
O dear fiend of mine I mourn.
Pleasant unto me you were, thy love wonderful it was,
passing the love of women!!
how are they perished these swords of war.
10. Daughter of the King
She is all, she is more than i need,
for more than her no man could ever plead.
Gentle sa the soft rains of the fall God has not created
In all his wisdom a spirit more beautiful.
The sweet breeze of her Whisper brakes my shell, brakes me,
in the sound of her beating heart I am lost will always be.
These words so dry; and my heart is all that I can give.
Everything I have can not pay what to her I owe.
Your daughter o God, I tremble with fear,
how can I keep the one you hold so dear?
this treasure of love how can I receive?
the trust you have given I can not believe.
For her I`ll bleed, for her I`ll die,
trade my life without the wink of an eye.
So this much you love me, you trust me this much.
You let me hold in my arms this beauty
that I merely dare to touch.
So Almighty God lord of all land,
down on my kness I ask for her hand.
11. Kapplaten
He spoke light was born,
by its beams was darkness torn.
Creator of earth and heavenly realm my
poor soul you overwhelm.
You gave the breath of life, you broke my pride.
I came to life and my sin deid.
You spoke, light was born,
in my heart the veil was torn..
.you are everything to me,
you set me free...
12. Blod pa dina hander
Stolta folk med styva nackar,
fjärran har du vandrat från ljusets väg.
Fylld av avunds bittra galla...
En jungfru var du så blid och ren,
nu bjuder du öst och väst sära dina ben.
Oren, moder svea tvag dig ren,
du har löpt till en annan famn du har gett dig till en annan man.
Dina händer är fulla av ångande blod, blod av barn i tusental,
de var givna av Gud men du har offrat dem till Baal.
Men hur skulle jag kunna straffa dig min dotter,
mitt hjärta blöder, min nitälskan glöder.
Vänd åter och jag skall vända åter till dig.
Än finns det tid än finns det hopp,
än finns det blod som renar.
Dina händer är röda av barn i tusental,
de oföddas blod de oföddas klav.
Har du inget hjärta kvar i ditt döda bröst,
hör du inte skriken av de oföddas röst ?
än finns det...
13. Vals i burk moll