"Audio 136" (2004)
1. Rosemary's Baby 2. Air 3. Don't Look Back 4. Words 5. Kontakt 6. Niedokoñczony Sen 7. New Life 8. Protect Me 9. 13 10. Rosemary's Baby (Reprise)
1. Rosemary's Baby
2. Air
Someone's affection to you
Gives you the power to live
It's just as if you've taken her breath away
One percent of oxygen everyday (away)
I don't want to see you in after-life
This is the last time we have met in this life...
This is what I truly want...
3. Don't Look Back
This isn't real
I freeze my eyes
It's somewhat colder
The dream subsides
I don't care
What you want to say
You'll never stop
Craving what's gone
Don't look back
Don't turn around again
Another day for you
And sorrow in my tissue
Don't know who you were
Nor who you will become
You want my part of you
To disappear
Let me see
Your solitude
I want to seize
Your wounded pride
I don't care
What you want to say
I want to seize
Your wounded pride
I want to see
Your solitude
You'll never stop
Craving what's gone
4. Words
I truly want to heal
All the thoughts in your head
I truly want to cure
Your soul that's poisoned
When you thought you could change everything
All you changed was yourself
Please listen to the words I'm trying to say
Heed this words before they vanish into thin air
You won't change the things that they had done
You desired much more than you could ever get
And kept asking "how much longer do I have to wait"
You cannot escape from all the words you left behind
You will learn the sense of pain
All your tears kill the good thoughts left in me
No relief from misery
You had time to forget everything
Too many painful words are in you
5. Kontakt
S³ysza³am smutek twój
Smutek tak cichy
Tak ¿e a¿ moje ³zy
Spada³y z ³oskotem
On to przewróci³
Kilka Moich s³ów
To odmieni³o Mnie tak
Pamiêtaj by Twoje s³owa nie wyprzedzi³y uczuæ
Zapamiêtam by s³owa Moje nie wyprzedzi³y ich
To tylko s³owa s¹, to tylko s³owa s¹...
Zamieni³ tylko z Ni¹
Niewiele myśli
A ju¿ Chcia³ z³apaæ tê
Z jej oczu iskrê
6. Niedokoñczony Sen
Do Mnie proszê dzi¶ nie mów wiêcej nic
Bardzo teraz chcê sama ju¿ byæ
Ca³y Mój ¶wiat zamar³ w s³owa pó³
Proszê, teraz chcê sama byæ ju¿
Gdy spowita w sen naiwnie reagujê na tre¶æ
Zatrzymujê my¶li
Wtedy ma³o kto to wie
Przez pó³ ¿ycia siê mijamy
Ale dobrze, ¿e...
¯e nie kiedy¶ tylko teraz spotkali¶my siê
To jest moment ten gdy nie wiem dok±d dalej i¶æ
Nie do koñca te¿
Czy prawda to jest czy nie
Przez pó³ ¿ycia mijali¶my siê
Lecz dobrze, ¿e...
¯e nie kiedy¶ tylko teraz spotkali¶my siê
Nie bud¼cie mnie
Chcê dokoñczyæ sen
Dokoñczyæ chcê
Widaæ w tobie zmêczenie t± cisz±
7. New Life
You taught me how to see
And not to be afraid
Now you're gone and all I feel
Is the deadly nightshade
I couldn't believe when I heard
"It could be you"
Now I'm grateful for my good thoughts
I can feel her breathe
I never knew how close you were to the line
When she looked you looked away
Now you know she went away
You cannot tell which way
You can feel her somewhere near
You can feel her breathe
Today you seem so fine
A smile upon your face
So much faith in fresh, new life
A smile upon your face
The awful thought are gone...
Gone forever from your head
Never forget not to be afraid
Now you know she went away
You cannot tell which way
You can feel her somewhere near
You can feel her breathe
I will always feel her breathe
8. Protect Me
You may not be around
But I can feel you near
Even if night
protect me now
Encapsulates you
protect me now
Remember the daybreak
Don't go too far away
Even if night
protect me now
Encapsulates you
protect me now
And now I'm not giving up
Remember to protect
9. 13
I can see you today
Even if you try to hide
I can see you again
And I know
I know so much
It's so sweet to control
Alas the sweetness can take it's toll
It is so easy to escape
The pain is easy to forget
Only he will be strong who can
Give a part of himself and be himself
you ever dare
to look inside me
Will you take your chance
Or will you only glance
and go away
So do you think you could?
10. Rosemary's Baby (Reprise)