
"Beyond The Glimpse Of Dreams" (1998)
1. Rotting Youth 2. Armageddon 3. Spirits 4. Decieved Minds 5. The Conversion 6. Behind Those Images 7. Reality 8. Escaping Eternal Suffering 9. A Day The Hatred Dies 10. My Eternal Lover
1. Rotting Youth
Now as i walk through the scenes of disruption
I see the dying of our generation
Adolescents are trapped, bound by chains of sin
Live Like the Living dead,putrefly until total death
Not to be the fools of dark
Who deceived by father of the lies
Life goes on,the earth still spinning around
But one day it shall be vanished
Be reduced to ashes as destruction comes
No hope or mercy for the putrefied ones
Not to be the fools of dark
Who deceived by father of the lies
We don't want to follow
Don't want to be the rotting youth
Leave the scenes and follow christ
2. Armageddon
Deceiver of this world beware
Tremble in your heart, you scared
Your destruction time is near
Have no mercy for your fear
Serpent's legions, daughter's troops
Terror drift in cries of war
The air is thin and time stands still
Soldiers ready to kill
Prophecy shall be completed
As Satan crushed immortal
New world order, all shall fall
But the armies of God stand tall
In fire the earth devoured
Scattered bodies, eternal pain
Satan will be tormented
With his servants burned to dust
Prophecy shall be completed
As Satan crushed immortal
New world order, all shall fall
But the armies of God stand tall
With God destroy all heavens
No star will be reserved
Fire came down from Heaven
No evil thing shall be survived
Burning flesh, tainted wounds
Second death will follow soon
For the wicked price is death
When the book of life's been read
In fire the earth devoured
Scattered bodies, eternal pain
Satan will be tormented
With his servants burned to dust
3. Spirits
Spirits of the unblack, exist in forgiveness
Bathe in blood of Christ, holy spirit inside
Spirits of the unblack, rising to eternity
Living in the wholeness obedience to Christ
Praise him who conquer death
Praise him who defeat Satan
Jesus Christ destroyed Satan's head
Crushed his ugly , victory!!!
Show the light to the dark
Unblack heart, unblack mind
Spread the word to the world
Unblack heart, unblack mind
No more enslavery by the darkness
we have chosen to follow Jesus
4. Decieved Minds
Deceived by the lost one, you worship the wrong idol
He told you he's bringer of liberation
Manipulate and brainwash your mind with his lies
Enjoying the cult following from the ignorance of man
Satanic dreams never become reality
Wasting life by walking on path of deception
Relying "the hope" that never be fulfilled
At the end, only eternal torture you must face
Is there any evidence of Satanic victory?
It's all in your mind, awakened by sin
A hope without faith in God is impotence
Illusions of power and glory are part of his deceptions
A logical philosophy?
You've betrayed, you've deceived
All creations belong to God, the creator!!
Face the fact, God is the only lord
He give us Christ to banish all the sin
Satanic philosophy comes from nothing but lies
When you die you will know who is right...
(but it's too late)
5. The Conversion
I was born in the place of far
With all the difference surrounding me
The only knowledge I got was so dark
"Satan is the only lord", they said
Lived in darkness, served the serpent
Nothing that's good I had to follow
Committed all crimes, "do what thou wilt"
Something evil stored inside my head
Rose from the ashes of confusion
I did not know what the truth's about
For this I was charged of being guilty
Of all crimes against humanity
Something happened within my life
In my darkest hour, came to me
The light of Christ, real divine love
I felt ashamed of all I have done
Forgiveness I found, he gave me a new life
Knowledge of the truth open up inside
The devil might steal my youth away
But now he cannot stop my will to be free
Satan never fulfill his promise to me
He just inverts all the truth
Now I have a chance to live eternally
In Christ, my soul has been free,
has been freed
6. Behind Those Images
Evil horror comprised within rhymes
fascinated to the darkside's representation
hiding behind the sensational lines
A reference to somewhat blasphemous
Upon mankind's dark fantasies
Evil's stabbing from behind
Ignorance calls as he always tries
To use the words until he dies
When we looked others in needs
Must realize we're capable to care
How can we expect good respect from others
If we're still demonstrating apathy to society
Upon mankind's dark fantasies
Evil's stabbing from behind
Those sensations soon will be
Forgotten forever in the clench of fire
Paradoxical life causes suffer to mind
All harmonies only found in Christ
Reality must we face, image of God
Feel the power of good change the fate
7. Reality
Why should we proud to take...
...A direction we know it is not mankind?
To astray we shall be
Why should we glorify the hades and the death
Those things are now the same
Completely lost their power
Too many aspects in this life hurts us all
In control of sin, evil hides inside us
All our pain is real, darkness seems to be our nature
Easy to hate, but please open your eyes and see...
The devil is defeated, darkness has lost its power
Fire and brimstone will torment him eternally
Death is overcome and never to rise again
What a waste of time to glorify his existence
Jesus Christ shed his blood, take the sin of mankind
He provides us a way to attain life in eternity
Take the time to learn the knowledge of the truth
Darkness will rise no more, it is reality
8. Escaping Eternal Suffering
No one is good in the eyes of almighty God
Creation inherit the seed which be the cause of death
Since the first man's fall, we all suffered the separation
No matter what norm and laws we create, we shall not be saved by them
Nobody but God himself who change the fate of human being
Far beyond the glimpse of dreams and longingness of these earthly wisdoms
Living by a faith in the son who was born as flesh and blood
He took over the natural consequences
Which was directed to us
The death and resurrection of Christ had paid the cost of damnation
Escaping the eternal suffering, reconciliation between God and mankind
9. A Day The Hatred Dies
Life, a picture of frustrating reality
Oppression surrounding the mass
He who has the power tends to corrupt
What the hell... It's a business as usual
War and murder in the name of God
Manipulations under the name of religions
Fraud in conspiracies for gaining profits
Those religious persons commit crimes everyday
Leave us here, they warp our perceptions
Hatred slowly grows in our hearts
Feeling hurt in the most dedicate way
Screaming in a rage at those hypocrisies
Looking a place for our feet to show them "we are not like you"
They are on God's side so we are on the other, does it make sense?"
Minds are blind for the mistakes taken in hating hypocrisy
In fact we're all the victims of our hatred
Under the influence of sin, there is no way to live
An ideal life by our own strength
Religion hurts, but God will never make us down find the way in him
( when Christ returns, all these things will be no more a day the hatred dies shall come...)
10. My Eternal Lover