
"1000 Thoughts Of Violence" (2003)
1. Subsession / Once Again It Failed 2. Vox Diaboli 3. In Continuum 4. Paradigma Baru 5. Artifacts Of Modern Insanity 6. Violenst Society 7. Subsession II 8. Default 9. Beyond Numerical Reasons I: 404 10. Beyond Numerical Reasons II: 911 11. Beyond Numerical Reasons III: 70x7
1. Subsession / Once Again It Failed
dripping blood as violent rages on, engulfing our soils - death is here,
ringing fatality of civilization - massacre, the murders at random, in
attempted genocide - thousand years of social paralysis, fathomless irony
- humankind in conflicting nature, the beauty and the beast - death to
share, bringing fatality to civilization - ideologies and social systems
based on human theories - so basicaly we're all into products of our
corrupted brains! - deep in the void of our hollow hearts - is there any
space left for souls to rest? - deep in the void of our wounded minds - is
there any chance left for souls to live? - "no time to clean your bloody
hands, the stains are there in your own blood!" - many years we've tried
to look ahead and find some solutions - but once again they fail
miserably, yet life is still going on - is there any space left for souls
to rest?
2. Vox Diaboli
within our senseless will, driving motives - no absolution for one's
desires - changes are minor, yet impact is unaccountable - no standard for
achieving satisfaction - rising from the depths of needs - voices that
will take control - the dances of demons inside the brain - post-modern
struggle within a self - when the basics are covered, alternatives taken -
creatively made options, a new world chaos - many to choose from, but more
yet to offer - the world is not enough as sky is our limit - derived from
disturbances - arrival of morbid signals - when insanity approaches - the
weak is the one who denies his weakness - no need to evaluate sin and its
values - when it came to degenerate our existence - accepting the power to
wash-over self - transformation is imminent - rising from the hollow core
- someone who must take control - invite the flame to purge and burn -
ruling the battle within a self
3. In Continuum
this is where they rose and fell - things will keep to follow the same
patterns - once ill-defined, now much-accepted - no such real sense of
anomaly - winds have blown away every inch-block of debris - from the
rubbles of our tragic yesterdays - scenes will always in changing
positions - But i doubt if they are progressing and transforming - the way
we manage our lives on earth is - the way we destroy our desirable future
- we have tried, at least we've tried - to heal ourselves and learn from
the past - unexpected, the gazing x factors - start to crush from the
inside - time has washed away all these traumatic moments the earth once
had - but will our children be free from all the wars? - like thick black
dots in continuum - we will never erase or take them off the line - so
many nails have pierced down our wooden existence - leaving all these
black holes until it comes to an end
4. Paradigma Baru
5. Artifacts Of Modern Insanity
we're in the beginning of the end of time - in the middle of the countdown
- it's impossible to turn around - but who's aware of it? - lost in the
fields of thick deceptions - up all nights and all days, creating more
goals based on worldly views - here it is, anywhere we look around we'll
see - proove of mankind's grand achievements - backed by technological
sophistication - but should we proud of it? - lost in the fields of thick
deceptions - up all nights and all days, creating more goals based on
worldly views, in worldly ways - what's in our minds? - with all these
philosophical kinds of-modern frames of thoughts - a new-found old
insanity - as we lost in the fields of thick deceptions - up all nights
and all days, creating more goals based on worldly views, in worldly ways
6. Violenst Society
understanding the patterns of social life - to bring forth contradictory
goals - there is no double-standard in any stance - to fight for something
worth to fight for - a clash of interests - reconciliation is nonsense -
when law has been paralized - regulations out of order - who wants to
bring a fresh air to this sick violent world? - smell of death as we
breathe - can we make a stand? - mass confusion in the wake of grand
ignorance - political maneuvers, dancing on a vicious circle - "divide et
impera", a plot of reducing power of pawns - we, people are just too
uneducated to be aware - a clash of interests - victims of a new
democratic atmosphere - the ones with necrophilic minds shall rise - and
none can stop them as everyone's free - who dares to bring a fresh air to
this sick violent world? - smell of death as we breathe - can we make a
stand? - an opera of madness we found each day - waging destruction,
fascination on deaths - with such weapons and C4's ready to kill -
paranoid grandiosity or necrophilic fantasy? - time for confirmation - to
speak louder than before - a life in a violent society - we shall stand...
7. Subsession II
8. Default
a vanity rises in the middle of our motion - with ever-changing colours of
illusive existential components - unfictitious presence, scars and
withdrawal, leaving us to wonder... - i want to see, but my eyes are blind
- should i seek for a guidance of my life? - beyond a flock of confusion -
i ask for a return to original form - without any agreement or concensus -
determination has already been chosen - free us from a process of
decadence - free us from a procession to our graves - back to the state
where things just started - back to the place where i belong - i want to
see, but my eyes are blind - should i seek for a guidance of my life?
9. Beyond Numerical Reasons I: 404
404 - file not found - 404 - broken Link - 404 - virtual void - 404 - and
so it stands - a universal code - of all unfound files - deep within the
world - of hypertexts - a message presents in the absence of URL - unable
to access and to download - the web as a holistic approach - for us to
collect all information - a dream of more accessible world - in this
cybernetic ivory tower - powerless, as it appears at our monitors - the
world of imperfectness, the world of ours
10. Beyond Numerical Reasons II: 911
3 digits on a dialing code - to access departments of rescue - numbers
known for help-assistance - related with a social security - lines of
governmental services - working in a complete duty - units seemed to be
flawless - with funds that appropriately flow - still, the world who never
sleeps - it will never give up its darkside - even the rescue code can be
taken - as a symbol to create one big tragedy - when the very eyes of the
world - moved by a singular defining moment - those numbers became a point
for another meaning - at time when people both cry, or rejoice, in the
awakening of war!
11. Beyond Numerical Reasons III: 70x7
how often shall we forgive - up to 3 times? up to 7 times? - no, it is up
to 70x7 - we hear a sound of weakness in our minds - the rhythm of the
twilight, and rhythm of the night - to give the guilty ones their second
lives - and death was only price, a suffering and pain - for us, the
unforgiven who get redeemed for free - so can't we give our "enemies" the
unconditional state of forgiveness? - to forgive is to be hurt - to
forgive is to suffer