
"Slaughter The Weak" (1997)
1. Left for Dead 2. Gore Bag 3. Infectious 4. Demigorgon 5. Consumed in Darkness 6. Murder One 7. Butchering Death 8. World of Hate 9. Deadly Force 10. Darkness Foretold (bonus track)
1. Left for Dead
you are deadrotting skindecaying skullsare caving INtaking one last lookblurred and bloody eyeshallucinating thingsbeyond this life's demisecrying outset me freetorturingthe inner meburning soulblack with hatesearches forone to tasteblood is flowing freepouring over meclawing at your eyewishing you to dieemptysouls will dieforbidden fatesouls will dieLeft for deadbloody with a severed heademotionless lifegasping for yourBREATHfeastingyour fears that eat yourskindenying faithevil comes and grabsyou by the facecrossed realitysepetrating mefrom my evil pastthe pain will not last
2. Gore Bag
deadariseat nightthey're craving bloodout to killat willpsychotic bodiesout to maimtheir victimseat the fleshof the deadtear your limbsapartthey're taking overhuman gore bagof partsare chewed to stumpstorsos bleedingeverywherechopped to piecesyou are deadevil chant awakensthe evil side of mepoking at my skinfeasting on your bodyslaughter blood to tasteextinction of the human racevictims of societychew them up andspit them outdying by the hand of meyou are in dangersickening butchered youto deathunforgiving soulspoking at my skinfeasting on your bodyslaughter blood to tasteextinction of the human race
3. Infectious
virusseeps into your braindelusionsvisions to hatelesionsinternal scars are eatingat your skinscarsinfest your soul andthen they kill againtime is taking overyou pray to godenter a new worldof pain and fucking hateslaves of torturetaking you awaybleeding eyes lookingto you for a curethey're pain - they're bodiescontinue to pukeairbornspreadinginfectingmillionsbleeding eyesaching bodiesscream in horrorstop the killingtheres no curegovernment testingwithout warningpeople pleadingsave their soulinfectiousrapidly killingwelcometo hellhiding from the truthevil you can seebanished from thisearthbodies under siegeI prayto godmy timeis here
4. Demigorgon
fear she not and fearfear ye notthe ruler oftheeternal thoughtthe best is yet to comeevil is in reachonce possessed a soulevil never ceasedthe demigorgon,stealing your soulhe once had his own, hewants to controlsatan's rotting corpsethe smell of brutal deathrelease the children of godand all the blood shedthe demigorgon,stealing your soulhe once had his own, hewants to controlendlessbrutal torturelifewill not lasthatred fills his mind,death to all mankindfeeling no remorse,the brutal killing force
5. Consumed in Darkness
consumed in darknessburned with flamesblistering bodiesscream in painblackness taking overheat will burn your eyesdealing devildooms day will arisefeel - the painyour life - I drainyour makerwill soon arriveto this violent endingto a hopeless lifelying in the weedsstab wounds throughyour neckdraining all your bloodgashes in your backevil ways are comingtearing limb from limbevil eyes are staringwanting you to killin the nightI come to youlive or die whatdo you chooseI grab your neckI slice your skinfeel my rage as youstart to bleedsteal your lifeI love to killtorturing an evil chillasphyxiate your face is blueI watch your eyesas you start to dieconsumed in darknessI rage you bleed
6. Murder One
murder in cold bloodspewing from your veinsevil to come heredark and tormentedvicious screaming inagony as pools ofblood surround themblood spills fromtheir open woundsburies their owncasketstime to face the man inthe robeinnocence, fuck you no waytime to tell your deadly ployyour honor let theevidence showthroat cut wide, ear to earshot in the head,screams of fearbones all cracked,deed is donehow could someonecause this harmful act ?now confined in yourcell, life is nowa living helltime grows short, hearthe ticknow its time to dieyou fucking prick
7. Butchering Death
Blood running throughmy veinsshot of dope to my braincracking down yourfucking spinestruggling through theendless lienever seems to look thesameevil in his eyesdeceiving you soakedwith ragebutchering deathafter death we willawakeand arise from thedepths of hellrotten zombies out forbloodbutchering andmutilating bodiespsychoticinsane butcherytastingyour blood from menever seems to look thesameevil in his eyesdeceiving you soakedwith ragebutchering deathevil that comes fromwithincontrolling you I liveon your sinsgaining strength fromall your liesI can see through yourdemiseI feed on violenceI hear your screamingI see your deaththrough your eyesI live hateon violence you'rescreamingI'm insane in a rageawait to see how youwill dieI crave your blood theinnocent cryI'll tell you things youdon't want to hearwhen you think of meyou'll think of fearI feed on violenceI hear your screamingI see your deaththrough your eyesI live hateon violence you'rescreamingBlood running throughmy veinsshot of dope to my braincracking down yourfucking spinestruggling through theendless lie
8. World of Hate
slowly dyingscreaming painwith your life you mustpaybound by nailsropes of thornblood for powerthe weakened mourntwisted thoughts of paintravel through my brainendless torturescreams of goreflames to blackenforever morethoughts of deathand doomlive your lifein gloomtwisted thoughts of paintravel through my brainbetter to rule in HELLthen to serve inheavenpity the weakdeeper they fellbroken couragetrapped by fearfading to blackthe end is nearvisions fadingmy world grows thinskin grows colderas my body caves inliving in DARKNESSthe sea of flamesmy soul carriedundergroundyour life I claim
9. Deadly Force
I am lawof this worldfollow mewith no pitythe deadly forcesmashing your soulmashing your bodyclaiming your soulmelted skinconsumed into flamesashes to riseeveryone diesI am lawof this worldfollow mewith no pity
10. Darkness Foretold (bonus track)