"Destins Cathares" (2002 Demo)
1. Destins Cathares 2. Esclave d'une Puissance Infinie 3. Le Souffle d'Aquilon
1. Destins Cathares
In the year 1209, fellows were praying in a corner of castle, they thought they were purifying their mind. Eaten bread and drunken water, tried out to purify their bodies, which are for them some works of the devil. Practicing the Endurât, mystic suicide, to reach the Durable Etat, the immortality. For them a world without charity was that nihil, the darkness, the darkness. Mind is the principle of good, the body the principle of the devil. They tested to banish the Malignitat, which Satanas put to them in front of eyes. Totas causas de Malignitat --- Malignitat. They hurried up to make the Consolament. The first crusade against the Albigensians was going soon to begin. Simon de Montfort, master of the crusaders, was going to put them on the stake because his ignorance made him unable to think. Their quest of the Graal found its meaning in the flames. Cathars fates.
2. Esclave d'une Puissance Infinie
A valley and rivers are broad open around the prophetic mountains, so that the man can look toward infinity. Of here moved while following much metamorphosis. But from hell the faithful image goes down, the divine words rain innumerable. The demon strange and feverish glance, blazed in his eyes. The demon speaks by his lips ; he even speaks still in him, when his lips are dumb, when his brain goes out, when his body dies. His soul quartered by excessive suffering, until in its intimate depths. When his mind rambled, the demonic power hidden in him appears suddenly, it’s venerating disproportion. He doesn’t know who he is and the way he takes, because he is coming from infinity, for moving to infinity. He touched lightly the real world during his journey. An extra human thing acted in him, a force on the top of his. He feels subjected, being a slave to higher power, about demon who agitates his interior cosmos. The nature leaves at the bottom of his soul as in ours, its old chaos. It was a heroic combat, this fight lasted a whole life. His death resounded in infinity.
3. Le Souffle d'Aquilon
Gathering of threatening clouds, faces in a nocturnal sky ; they show us death. Amphitrions of the fear… The fog falls on us, blood in our veins is hardened of cold. The demons seize our bodies, they rot of interior. Stink of the night, a violent wind brings more pain and its air goes right through our minds. Aquilon, the coldness of the far north, changes the face of the world and pushes back the limits of paradise. All stars in sky changed themselves into white faces with dark orbits. Our souls will have to wander eternally in the wind.