
"Songs from the Archives" (2003 Best of/Compilation)
1. Preludium 2. Where Darkness Cannot Reach 3. Symphony of Moonlight 4. Eternal Emperor 5. The Final Battle 6. Glorification of the Master of Light (live) 7. From Death to Life (live) 8. Alone in Silence (live) 9. Skymingsljus (Light of Twilight) (live) 10. Ljuset (The Light) (live) 11. Eternal Emperor (live) 12. Postludium (live) 13. Fullmanen Skola Vändas Uti Blod (The Full Moon Will Turn Into Blood) (live) 14. Blood Covered My Needs 15. Your Face 16. Touch of Emptiness 17. ...And Thus Rejoice 18. A Thorn in My Heart 19. The Pilgrimage 20. A Painting in Dark
1. Preludium
2. Where Darkness Cannot Reach
Master, we extol you, your name we're lifting high
In your hands you've got everything
When the final battle's won everyone shall see
That our almighty Lord JESUS CHRIST is king
Darkness tries to make me fall because of my sinful flesh
Lord, come with your power, come in holiness
You who made demons flee when they saw your might
You who left your glory in the palaces of light
Where darkness cannot reach there will my soul be free
Where only light remains is the final place for me
Thy holy angels are serving you, GOD, and so will I
Lord of Lords, you let your blood run for all our sins
Then you rose and triumphed over death
When you conquered darkness and set the captives free
Master, I worship you, I fall down on my knees
3. Symphony of Moonlight
4. Eternal Emperor
Lord,eternal emperor of all.
In the nocturnal woods of moonlight
your name I call.
Through thy word we get wise
and in thy power we shall rise.
In this time of sorrow and despair
mercy Lord thy name we trust.
Sin and evil will follow everywhere
but in the name of Jesus:
Satan you have lost!
Master, Christ, Jesus
Ruler of day and night.
Within thy force we fight.
I thank you Lord Jesus
for your blood and grace.
Through that I can meet you God
face to face.
Eternal emperor
Eternal Emperor
5. The Final Battle
And I saw an angel coming out of heaven.
Holding the key to the abyss,
And in his hand the key to the abyss.
He seized the dragon that ancient serpent
And bound him for a thousand years.
He threw him into the abyss
And sealed it and locked it over him.
To keep him from decieving the nations
Any more until the years were ended.
After that he must be set free for a short time.
When the thousand years are over
satan will be released from his prison.
He will go out to decieve the nations
In the corners of the earth, Gog and Magog.
To gather them for battle
In number they are like the sand.
They marched across the breadth of the earth.
And surrounded the camp of God's people.
The city he loves.
Fire came down from heaven and devoured them.
And the devil who decieved them
Was thrown into the lake of burning sulphur
Where the beast and the false prophet has been thrown.
And they will be tormented.
Day and night forever.
Forever and ever!
6. Glorification of the Master of Light (live)
7. From Death to Life (live)
8. Alone in Silence (live)
Alone in silence I seek the Lord, reveal to me your holy spirit O Lord
Cleanse me in thy holy blood, forever shed for me
Lord, I am seeking you, come and fill my soul
One day I will meet you when I reach my goal
No more sorrow, no more tears
I will bow before you and you will wipe my tears
9. Skymingsljus (Light of Twilight) (live)
10. Ljuset (The Light) (live)
"The spirit of the Lord is over me for he has anointed me
so I can speak the message of joy"
Praise be thy name, O Lord, you who save those who receive you
Save us, O Lord, from this despair
Come soon and bring us home
You bring them from death to life and call them your children
Thanks Almighty God for your grace
Praise be thy name, O Lord, you who save those who receive you
Save us, O Lord, from this despair
Come soon and bring us home
11. Eternal Emperor (live)
eternal emperor of all
In the nocturnal woods of moonlight
your name I call
Through thy word we get wise
and in thy power we shall rise
In this time of sorrow and despair
mercy Lord thy name we trust
Sin and evil will follow everywhere
but in the name of Jesus:
Satan you have lost!
Master Christ Jesus
Ruler of day and night
Within thy force we fight
I thank you Lord Jesus
for your blood and grace
Through that I can meet you God
face to face
Eternal emperor
Eternal emperor
12. Postludium (live)
13. Fullmanen Skola Vändas Uti Blod (The Full Moon Will Turn Into Blood) (live)
14. Blood Covered My Needs
15. Your Face
16. Touch of Emptiness
17. ...And Thus Rejoice
18. A Thorn in My Heart
Fear not the shadow yonder
It is where I bid you to go
Can you hear their silent cries
They need you there you know
Listen to me my child
I want you to make a difference
Serve your fellow humans
And thus show me your reverence
In their souls they wail
A thorn in my heart
But stubbornly they refuse my help
Therefore I send you
Look towards the shadow yonder
It is where I bid you to go.
There is danger there
But you need not fear
My hand will guide you
My love always be there
Behold, I send you out
As sheep amongst the wolves
Farewell utopia, acknowledge their need
Go now. Away, see to your brethren
I am with you
19. The Pilgrimage
As dawn melted my heart
I opened up my eyes
Red roses from above
Were planted inside of me
And when the never fading love
Was established in my heart
My traveling days began
I walked beside the constantly flowing
Spring of clear water
Always ready to slaked my thirst
And give me peace and strength
I ran towards the fields
Inviting me to let my tiered soul rest
How sweet they were
Those pastures of green
A smell of life filled the air
And the sun gave constant energy
To my once dead spirit
The magnificence of this paradise
Told a wonderful tale about a creation
Taking place since times immemorial
I could hear the tranquil whisper:
"Come closer to me, beloved one"
The Spirit's voiced touched
My ears with love and care
I continued the path
And stepped inside the forest
Still hearing the whisper:
"Come closer to me..."
But suddenly the beautiful trees
And days light turned
Into a landscape of thorn and fog
Soon I was lost in an unknown wilderness
And there was no end to my fright
Tears ran down my mourned face
And the pain showed no mercy
There I was, a helpless and frightened child
At last I fell down on my knees in prayer
While feeling the despair
Coming closer and closer
"Father, help me out of here", I screamed
But no answer was heard
"See my pain..." no one there
I became a lonely prisoner
Bound by chains of doubt
Nowhere could I find the meaning
Of things happening to me
At day I stood screaming, crying and praying
And at night I lay shaking in terrible helplessness
Finally, all my power was gone
And I nearly gave up it all
With my last strength I lifted
My face towards heaven and cried it out:
"Father, Thy will be done, and not mine"
Then I felt in a total less of power
Awaiting the arrival of another frozen night
20. A Painting in Dark
He weeps, but no one hear
Is this the final point of his life?
The direction of his soul
A painting in dark
Where is he to go
In this maze of confusion
Will someone give him the strength
To chance and forsake this path
Is there somewhere a heart
Full of freedom who can call his name?
He strives towards
Meaningless, endless horizons
Traveling and searching
For true life-giving peace
He wipes his tears with golden cloth
Lost in the lie: "This is all you need"
He asks: Is there any true peace at all?
These cries for help echoes louder
Through the dark night of his soul
But while praying in despair
He discerns the shape of Love incarnated
There he is, the One
Wearing the bloodied crown of thorns
His heart is beating with mercy
And his peace caused the escape of fear
But a silent mist arise
Covering the vision of loving truth
With a scornful smile
The evil one pull down the veil
Over the human face
While telling the constant lie
This mercy is not for you
Twisting God's true words
In the presence of honest seeking of truth
That lies is spoken by the lips
Painted with immutable cruelty
The own flesh is to weak to resist it
But God has seen the will of his heart
And listen: the scarlet story is told.
He can hear the sound of dripping blood
Deliverance is made
The punishment for his transgressions
Are obliterated at the cross
The final cry from God's
Faultless wounded Son brought freedom
The sins are crucified, restoration is given
And the veil is lifted off
He turn his eyes to the hill
Beholding the destiny of his mistakes
There hangs the one who paid his price
The one who conquered death itself
He looks towards the new horizons
Where the sun never sets
And starts to walk in its direction
On the path of the eternal life