
"Eternal Emperor" (1998 EP)
1. Intro-Preludium 2. Where Darkness Cannot Reach 3. Symphony Of Moonlight 4. Eternal Emperor 5. The Final Battle
1. Intro-Preludium
2. Where Darkness Cannot Reach
Master, we extol you, your name we're lifting high
In your hands you've got everything
When the final battle's won everyone shall see
That our almighty Lord JESUS CHRIST is king
Darkness tries to make me fall because of my sinful flesh
Lord, come with your power, come in holiness
You who made demons flee when they saw your might
You who left your glory in the palaces of light
Where darkness cannot reach there will my soul be free
Where only light remains is the final place for me
Thy holy angels are serving you, GOD, and so will I
Lord of Lords, you let your blood run for all our sins
Then you rose and triumphed over death
When you conquered darkness and set the captives free
Master, I worship you, I fall down on my knees
3. Symphony Of Moonlight
4. Eternal Emperor
eternal emperor of all
In the nocturnal woods of moonlight
your name I call
Through thy word we get wise
and in thy power we shall rise
In this time of sorrow and despair
mercy Lord thy name we trust
Sin and evil will follow everywhere
but in the name of Jesus:
Satan you have lost!
Master Christ Jesus
Ruler of day and night
Within thy force we fight
I thank you Lord Jesus
for your blood and grace
Through that I can meet you God
face to face
Eternal emperor
Eternal emperor
5. The Final Battle
And I saw an angel
Coming down out of heaven
Having the key to the abyss
And holding in his hand a great chain
He seized the dragon that ancient serpent
And bound him for thousand years
He threw him into the abyss
And sealed it and locked it over him
To keep him from decieving the nations
Any more until the years were ended
After that he must be set free for a short time
When the thousand years are over
satan will be released from his prison
And will go out to decieve the nations
In the corners of the earth, Gog and Magog,
To gather them for battle
In number they are like the sand
They marched across the breadth of the earth
And surrounded the camp of God's people
The city he loves
Fire came down from heaven and devoured them
And the devil who decieved them
Was thrown into the lake of burning sulphur
Where the beast and the false prophet has been thrown
And they will be tormented
Day and night forever
Forever and ever!