
"The Struggle" (2007)
1. The Struggle 2. The Prodigal 3. Lake of Fire, Wake of Souls 4. Saints O' Saints 5. Face of the Father 6. We Only Chase Wind 7. Anthem 8. Dead Alive 9. Still We Remain 10. Riff List (Instrumental)
1. The Struggle
bruise our heel
break your teeth
o death, where is your sting?
exultate deo
of our wordless articulation
of grinding bones
swing wide
o gates of hell
break apart
the jaws of death
the key to the grave
is in your hands
the beloved sings
songs of victory
children sing
your songs of war
beloved sing
we'll catch you the foxes
that ruin our vines
we live for
you cry for
we die for the sound
of grinding bones
unspeakable beauty
none can express
to whom none can compare
nothing restrains
your love for us
o Lord, our God
stand before us
as we struggle on
you stand before us
who can stand before you
you stand before us
none can stand before you
yea, though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death
I fear no evil
for you are with me
your rod and your staff comfort me
you bruise our heel
we crush your head
o death, where has your sting gone?
2. The Prodigal
salvation coming swift
riding on the wind
bringing words of hope
have faith
oh children of men
the sun rises still
through the darkest of night
awaken the dawn
with your cries of despair
your words of anguish
fall not on deaf ears
surely streams flow
through the desert
from the highest height
to the deepest depth
where can i go
that you are not?
though i run away
this fight cannot be fought
you are with me always
perhaps this pain i feel
is the shepard
breaking the legs of his sheep
i have gone astray
the prodigal
break the legs of this sheep
this is what i pray
as deep calls unto deep
my heart cries out to thee
i am chasing
for you are my salvation
for i have nothing
save your hope for tomorrow
i am running back
Father into your open arms
teach me
i will hear your words
write on my heart
the laws of your love
burn in my bones
a fire that cannot be quenched
sing in my ear
your song of songs
King of Kings
Lord of Lords
let me be
a fragrant offering
a sacrifice
to you my king
accept the prodigal
3. Lake of Fire, Wake of Souls
wide is the path
that leads to destruction
broad is the road
on the way to despair
steep is the bank
of the lake of fire,
leaving behind a wake of souls
he will judge
the quick and the dead
the proud made low
the rich made poor
there is no hiding
no place of respite
in the lake of fire, wake of souls
cascade into darkness
there is no escaping
the word on the throne
suffer the comfort
tears without number
mourning and wailing
pain that never ends
depart from me
for i know you not
you chose your way
abide in the pit
godess, godess
where have your children gone?
the dogs they lick your bones
the worm it eats your flesh
lead them astray
empty words they pray
for false hope, hollow eyes
destruction and ruin
the gifts of your kingdom
burn in the lake of fire, wake of souls.
harvest, harvest!
the earth is white for the harvest
wheat from chaff,
goats from lambs
set us aside
come for us in time
the earth bows before You
the sky rips in two
all fear and tremble
in the moment of judgement.
reclaim your temple
establish your kingdom
stir the waters
of the lake of fire, wake of souls
your beauty behold
as your glory unfolds
return to the garden
restore us our Lord
escape the torment
run from damnation
turn aside fight the tides
of the lake of fire
this wake of souls
4. Saints O' Saints
why are you so afraid?
can you not tarry even one hour?
the serpent creeps among us!
even now the enemy is here!
stand strong and sure
unite your hearts together
trim your wicks
all you faithful ones
your eyes must remain open
a little sleep
a little slumber
and we shall be destroyed!
ruin shall overtake us
we abide
with searching eyes
Saints, oh saints!
resist and believe
the hour is upon us now!
rise and prevail
there is a lion
who seeks to devour all
to destroy our hearts
and crush our spirits
but not us!
we will prevail
we have overcome
do not fall to the wayside
do not let yourselves be decieved!
We are but men
yet to realize our destiny
we are immortals
beautiful and pure
set apart
consecrated for all time
be not afraid
open your eyes
be not afraid!
behold your salvation!
none forsaken
not one forgotton
all shall pass away
none forsaken
rise and prevail
5. Face of the Father
and so we pray
for redemption and grace
to fall on us
we run from this altar
of covenant
'twixt flesh and life
spirit and love
breathe your life into me
shine your face on me as your son
tell me i am yours
your spirit be near me
teach me to fear thee
and honor thy ways
but i'm tired of fighting your wars
staying atop the oceans that rage inside
i'm going under
i breathe the oceans
i feel nothing
i have forgotten the face of my father
i have lost sight of the light
breaking my darkness
i have forgotten the face of my father
i have lost sight of the light
breaking my heart into everything
where am i
where are you
remember the terror
remember the suffering
remember me
it has nothing to do
with the hell i am in
it has everything to do
with the hell i am in
from the hell we are freed from
break us from these chains
make us new again
let us not forget the face of our father
let your face shine on us always
destroying our darkness
6. We Only Chase Wind
to the faithful departed
to those passing on
do not forget
the love of the one
laid to rest
interred into all
feeding the roots
of the tree of life
sleep in heavenly peace
knowing that we all
fade away in time
fade away in time
death has no memory
only beginning
and time
in the end
we only chase wind
set your hand to the plow
and carry on down the road
let the dead bury their own
as for us we carry on
for precious
in the sight of the Lord
is the death of his saints
do not weep for me
do not weep for me
for you will see me in time
when i am counted among
add me to your fold
embrace me in your arms
for in that moment
i will shine
shine on
in the end
we only chase wind
so shine on
i am waiting for you
chasing the wind
7. Anthem
we are all broken hearts in here
we are the products of our fears
and all that's left of our hearts
is a ghost of what we were
what can we do but fall to our knees
we fall to our knees and oh...
we will kiss your feet
and annoint you with our tears
we present to you
this our brokeness
you find something in this worthless gift
we are the guilty we are the damned
and all we have to show for it
is the blood on our hands
from the innocence we lost and gained
because of your love for us
how can we repay you
we fall to our knees and oh...
we will kiss your feet
and annoint you with our tears
we present to you
this our brokeness
you find something in this worthless gift
8. Dead Alive
we are the dead
the dead
when dreams may come
father's hearts return
to their sons
for these dreams to come
i say i'm ready
my God, i'm willing
Father, let yourself be known
time has come
i'm tired of waiting
when will these dry bones come together?
we are the dead
time has come
i'm tired of waiting
when will these dry bones come together?
let us live again
oh God,
breathe in us
now this sound it fills the earth
it is one that will not be ignored
when dreams may come
father's hearts return
to their sons
for these dreams to come
i say i'm ready
my God we're willing
Father, let yourself be known
now this sound fills the earth
one that will not be ignored
bones bound together by your love
we are an army as vast as the stars
we are alive...
we are the dead.
9. Still We Remain
thousands will fall
ten thousands shall pass away at my side
all worlds collapse
but still we remain
to the living God
praises be to the eternal one
who upholds me with His righteous hands
destroy the evil in me
pound it to dust
pour it out as my blood in the streets
these are my enemies
in the valley of decision
decide this day whom you shall serve
if the darkness alive
if God be God
in the valley of decision
the blood will flow more freely than rain
grace and redemption
or drown with the dead
i bow before
and offer all that i am
for i have nothing to give
worthy of a king
i tremble close
and sing to you a new song
of all you have done
the beautiful one
the beautiful one
thousands will fall
ten thousands shall pass away
for their hearts are cold
how hearts of stone
shall break
no hope for the future
no hope for the future
we give our lives away
hearts of stone shall break
oh my God
who formed the earth
and set the stars in the sky
we are your beloved
and so we sing to you
glory and praises in the highest
10. Riff List (Instrumental)