"Najemnik" (2006 EP)
1. Najemnik 2. Train To Hell 3. Feel 4. Private Score 5. What The Game? 6. Wieczny Sen
1. Najemnik
1. Tam mnie zes³a³ on, ¿o³nierzy ojciec
Mówi³ walczcie tak, jak za swój kraj
Dzisiaj ka¿dy z Was mo¿e czuæ siê dumny
Nadszed³ ju¿ ten czas, okupacja trwa.
Walcz, walcz
Walcz i okazuj gniew
Walcz, walcz
Walcz, walcz
Walcz i okazuj gniew
Walcz, walcz
Zwiastujesz im śmieræ
2. Chocia¿ chcia³bym tak po prostu odejśæ
Nie mieæ brudnych rak, w sumieniu trwaæ
Ale wszystko to chodzi o pieni¹dze
By zarobiæ tu, zapomnieæ tam.
Walcz, walcz
Walcz i okazuj gniew
Walcz, walcz
Pieni¹dze rozgrzesz¹ mnie
Walcz, walcz
Walcz i okazuj gniew
Walcz, walcz
Zwiastujesz im śmieræ
Do tego jesteś zdolny, strzelaj do bezbronnych
Kaza³ strzelaæ w z³ości, strzelaj bez litości
Nic ju¿ nie pomo¿e, plama na honorze
¯ycie pe³ne cierni, bo to ja najemnik.
2. Train To Hell
That day was very cold
Russians soldiers came to town
They tell us to get in the train
Syberia is waiting for you
I had never felt that pain
I had to leave my home
We would never come back here
I started praying to The God
I don't want that
I want to stay here
Is this really fate?
That is train to a hell
Train running there so fast
I must to free for life
All door are closed so strong
And what I must to do?
God if you hear me please
Stop this train set me free
Couse now I go insane
Is this true? Is this dream?
Is this curse?
I don't want that
I want to stay here
Is this really fate?
That is train to a hell
That is no hope for me
Why just I can't stop live?
Train take my property
Train take my family
Oh God you hear my voice
But you don't give me choice
Couse when i leave the train
There is nothing much more but the grave.
muzyka: Coda, s³owa: Wojtek Ma³ota
3. Feel
Last solution
So tell me how it's gonna be
Is that your passion?
I'll do anything to set you free
But now I know
You obligated to fight
Im waiting at home
You are hope of my life
So tell me how you feel
Should I believe proceed?
Tell me what is wrong?
Tell me how you feel
Only that protect you soon
This war contept you
Turn your fate and change your life
Inside me is pain
Because you're there
I can't forget
Those unhappy days
So tell me how you feel
Should l believe proceed?
Tell me what is wrong?
Tell me how you feel
So tell me how you feel
Just let the war be closed
Tell me how you feel
I can take it no more
muzyka: Coda, s³owa: Wojtek Ma³ota
4. Private Score
5. What The Game?
What have you done
You still keep on trying
But now your world is prison
You can't save them
What the game?
Are you player
This story is going over to madnes
How the score
Your private war
The day in prison
Go very slowly
That day, i should be with you
To continue normal live
But i still keep on forgetten
And now you are arest
That will be very long 8 years
With many tears
But i don't know
Do you are still the same
That is day by day
What have you done
You can't save them
Prison is your world, your world.....
muzyka: Coda, s³owa: Wojtek Ma³ota
6. Wieczny Sen