
"The Shed" (2000 EP)
1. Intro 2. The Shed 3. Boiling Flesh 4. Prime Meat 5. Bile 6. Defleshing Of Bones 7. Gutted 8. Smashed And Battered 9. Bloodsoaked 10. S.C.E.X. Or The Saw
1. Intro
For those of you who do not know, the intro is the beginning credits for ''The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2''
2. The Shed
You can get in, but you'll never get out
Bubba is gonna get you, and your insides out!
He is gonna strip your skin, and deflesh your bones
Hanging on a meathook, while you scream and moan
He will chop you to pieces, and he'll saw you in half
And when all the work is done, he will wear your face
There will be no more pain
you will make no more soun
All of you that is left
will be decorating the shed!
3. Boiling Flesh
4. Prime Meat
Small pieces of juicy meat
The best chili for you to eat
Human flesh for you and me
That's the secret recipe
Prime Meat is served for you
What you eat is human stew!
5. Bile
Body Fluids - Tap the Blood
Suck the juice - Cups of Snot
Salty semen - Pools of Piss
Murder Milkshake - Pints of Vomit
6. Defleshing Of Bones
Country side - Redneck monster
Murder Mongoloids - Human hunters
Countless meat - There for taking
Human garbage - Now recycling
Awaiting a slow death
While hanging on a meathook
Waiting for the butcher
Who is gonna deflesh YOUR BONES!
7. Gutted
Broken spine - Dragged by the hairs
Piles of guts - entrails showing, make 'em drop
Belly slashed - flood of fools, power tools
Dripping bowels - embrace the steel, feast of gore
8. Smashed And Battered
Skulls cave in, Smashed and Battered
Broken Limbs, Brutally Bashed
Pounding the life, out of human pulp
Hammered beyond recognition
9. Bloodsoaked
10. S.C.E.X. Or The Saw
Feel the urge, a simple need
Choose the bitch, or butchery
There is no choice, just to feed
S.C.E.X. or the saw
The Saw is Family!!!
Feel the urge, a simple need
Choose the bitch, or butchery
S.C.E.X. or the saw
There is no choice