"Holy Infection" (1997 Demo)
1. Intro 2. Coagulare Seminala Cadaverica 3. Anal Pus Splashing 4. Necrofantasy - second position 5. Vaginal Defecation 6. Unholy Infection
1. Intro
2. Coagulare Seminala Cadaverica
Sunt osandit de un mileniu in hauri adanci, in foc nestins, sa zac nebun, infrcosat de pofta mortii de a ma avea. In minte, totul s-a atrofiat in afara de instinctele primare...Vad silueta doamnei cum se apropie - leapada vesmantul negru si ramane goala ca un prunc, dar trupul ei galben-vanat are piele doar din loc in loc; limba ei se freaca de buzele c ca iasca, rupte si mancate de viermi, copiii ei. Imi linge barbatia, imi potenteaza si erectia, testiculele se incalzesc, pregatind o fatala izbucnire. Lichidul seminal, fierberea spermatica, au produs un blocaj la nivel pubian. Zona testiculara curge ca o plasma, penisul e decapitat icnind jeturi de sange!
Zona testiculara curge ca o plasma, iar printre resturi carnale erup doar infecte fragmente seminale care cad precum o voma fara final.
3. Anal Pus Splashing
I was walking through the forest of the dead with trees frozen as if with horror. In the cold mourning the shapes were growing clear of some gallows on wich the most wanted fruit hanged - a corpse. A gentle breath of wind was singing fath his obituary. The a woman in black comes near and sucks his anus with fear... The black ritual of revival took place right before my yes, anal pus splashing is the secret of soul monopolization. The witch swept hermouth with pleasure and the hanged open wide his eyes to see the cold mourning together with it's unclear shapes
4. Necrofantasy - second position
5. Vaginal Defecation
Hindered I am waiting for the moment of your bleeding...My heart is throttled like an hourglass in its middle, while my thought yells with epileptic throbs. I am looking at your orrifice and i say to myself: maybe you are dead, maybe I am in a nightmare, in wich I find myself in an abandoned slaughter-house.
There is no another explanation which for the horrible pestilence you are emanating that of a corpse carved and abandoned to the worms. But here is the answear: is not blood that you're spitting between your legs, but a feminine flop.
So, in the end, I'm gonna try to finally do something good - I'll forgive you!
6. Unholy Infection
Sometimes our body lives apart from our consciousness. Faeces can be the cause of the rebellion. The strange movements of the bowels announce a visceral revolt: a slight tear and a hidden throb; the putrefaction yeasts ceaselessly; sickness eats everything away like a huge, monstrous worm stench invades the land of the deadly burst riddles the overflows a flood of bowels; the colon spreaces out; the bones of the anus crack terribly; thecreature drown in an ocean of excreta