"Fallen Celebrity" (1997 Demo)
1. My Anxiety 2. Bestia 3. Meorum Finis Amorum 4. Hunter 5. Epilogue
1. My Anxiety
I’m waiting in fear
It’s a wish for real love
I’d love to touch the sky
I want to love as a slave
Love is a pain
Love is a fear of lost
It leaves unhealed wounds
A tear suffering closed in the drop
It leaves a thorn in my heart
Hot blood runs out of my soul
An ocean of bloody tears in my dreams
Burns in the flames of love
Love is…
2. Bestia
S³oñce p³onê³o w powolnym zmierzchu
Kryj±c sw± twarz w otch³ani mroku
Gdzie zrodzi³a siê bestia nie¶miertelna
W¶ród buntu stworzy³a swój tron
Za mrok i czerñ
Za grzeszne ¿ycie
Za ostry jak brzytwa
Metalowy d¼wiêk
Oddajmy jej cze¶æ
Oddajmy duszê
Nie¶miertelnej bestii
I w czerni pok³oñmy siê jej
I choæ teraz zas³ania rêk± twarz
Ukrywa siê w duszy czarnym aksamicie
Choæ jej postaæ majaczy w morzu ³ez
Kiedy¶ wy³oni siê z g³êbi zapomnienia
S³oñce p³onê³o w powolnym zmierzchu
Kryj±c sw± twarz w otch³ani mroku
Gdzie zrodzi³a siê bestia nie¶miertelna
W¶ród buntu stworzy³a swój tron
Za mrok i czerñ
Za grzeszne ¿ycie
Za ostry jak brzytwa
Metalowy d¼wiêk
Oddajmy jej cze¶æ
Oddajmy duszê
Nie¶miertelnej bestii
I w czerni pok³oñmy siê jej
3. Meorum Finis Amorum
She tiptoes alone when arriving
Comes from the fog, blown by the wind
Along the paths of cool darknes
She doesn’t knock when coming
She comes bloodless
On dewy meadows
Airy, ruffled and sluttish
But beautiful
With the last breath
You wait for her kiss
Bowing down
Falling on knees
She comes gloomy and grim
End never retires
Her breath puts out spark of live
Bloodles glance
4. Hunter
Created for killing
He can’t have feelings
His blow must be the first
It reigns over his mind
Created for killing
To kill an own brother
Without any feelings
Brother is your enemy
Trained as a dog
Feelings don’t matter
He’ll have to strike
A blow after blow
Killing for life
Live and not to be killed
Kill or you will die
And then successors will come
5. Epilogue