"Second Strike: Through the Flames of the Ages" (2005)
1. The Rise 2. Wrong Future 3. The Saga of Vengance 4. Color of Death 5. Serpent Land 6. The Call of War 7. Purification of Wisdom
1. The Rise
2. Wrong Future
Wrong expectations from the future
Step by step it's coming near
advanced prolongation of corrupted reality
makes all human disasters clear
Catastrophically misuse of the Earth
once thing was whole and now gone lost
Guided by false rhymes of their Gods
Homo species face real meaning of words
Under the vast reign of Entropy
Chaos turns the only existing way
All bombastic researches of the Military
Altogether will not hold this planet to stay
No one of today's idols will see tomorrow
Digital monsters gonna die in forthcoming vein
and from deep cages of striped souls
weird presence forever remains
And among the fires of vanished great cities
crawling on abandoned treasures of lust
Human spirit as the only survivor
predicts the future from the scattered past
3. The Saga of Vengance
Part I: Buried And Burned Alive
Êíÿçü óáèò, è êèïèò â âåíàõ ìåñòü
Êîðîíà è òðîí îæèäàþò òåáÿ
Áîãè çàìåðëè, çàêðûâàÿñü ïåëåíîþ íåáåñ
Èì îñòàëîñü ëèøü òîëüêî âçèðàòü ñ âûñîêà
Øëåò óáèéöà ïîñëîâ, ïîñÿãàåò íà âëàñòü!!
Íî âëàñòè ìàëî, åìó íóæíà åùå òû!!!
Ïîä÷èíèòüñÿ èõ âîëå çíà÷èò ÏÐÅÄÀÒÜ
È âìåñòå ñ íàðîäîì â çàáâåíüå óéòè
Íî ïðèãîòîâëåíà áàíÿ, äåðæèò ôàêåë ðóêà
Îïóñêàåòñÿ ìåäëåííî â ìîãèëó ëàäüÿ
Íå óñëûøàòü ñòîíû ïîä ñëîåì çåìëè
Íå óñëûøàòü êðèêè â êðóãîâîðîòå îãíÿ
êòî òû? àíãåë ñìåðòè, êðîâüþ ñòåëÿùèé ïóòü?
êòî òû? íåèçáåæíàÿ êàðà äëÿ æåñòîêèõ óáèéö?
êòî-òû? ñïðàâåäëèâûé ñóäüÿ èëè õëàäíîêðîâíûé ïàëà÷?
êòî òû?
Part II: Bloody Trizna
Âåòåð õîëîäíûé äóåò â ëèöî
Òèøèíà!! Ëèøü äûõàíèå çâåçä
Îëüãà ñêëîíÿåò êîëåíè ïðåä ìîãèëîþ êíÿçÿ
íå óâèäåòü âðàãó åå ñëåç!
Ïîëîí ñòîë îò âèíà è åäû
Äðåâëÿíå ïèðóþò â çíàê ïðèìèðåíüÿ
Ëæèâûå ðå÷è ñ óñò èõ ñëûøíû
Íî íå äðåìëåò äðóæèíà, ëèøü íàñòóïèò ìãíîâåíüå
È îêðàñèòñÿ êðîâüþ çåìëÿ
 ñåðäöå âîíçèòñÿ æàëî ìå÷à
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Âå÷íûé ïîêîé äóøà îáðåòåò
êòî òû? àíãåë ñìåðòè, êðîâüþ ñòåëÿùèé ïóòü?
êòî òû? íåèçáåæíàÿ êàðà äëÿ æåñòîêèõ óáèéö?
êòî-òû? ñïðàâåäëèâûé ñóäüÿ èëè õëàäíîêðîâíûé ïàëà÷?
êòî òû?
Part III: Birds Of Fire
Ïîùàäû íåò – óáåé èõ âñåõ!
Ãëàçà íå óâèäÿò áîëüøå ðàññâåò
Óøè íå óñëûøàò íèêîãäà äåòñêèé ñìåõ
Ïîùàäû íåò, óáåé èõ âñåõ!!
Ïîùàäà-óíèæåíèåì äîáûòàÿ æèçíü
Êðîâüþ ñòåðòûõ êîëåí è çàáûòûõ ñìåðòåé
Ãîðñòêîé æàëêèõ ñëîâ è ëæèâûõ ìîëèòâ.
Òàê óìðè æå òû ñêîðåé!!
Ïîùàäû íåò-óáåé èõ âñåõ!!!
Ðåøàÿ ñóäüáû òåõ ëþäåé
Âîçüìè íà ñåðäöå ñìåðòíûé ãðåõ
Ïîùàäû íåò, óáåé èõ âñåõ!!!
Ðóêà ìîëÿùàÿ ñïàñòè
Óâåäåò òåáÿ â âå÷íóþ òüìó
Îáåðíåòñÿ âîë÷üèì âîåì çîâ â íî÷è
È îñòðè¸ì ïðîíçèò òèøèíó
Ïîùàäû íåò-óáåé èõ âñåõ!!!
Áëåñê ìîëíèé íàä ëåñîì è ãðîìà ðàññêàò
Ñòèõèÿ óêàæåò ïóòü-â ðàé èëè â àä
Óñòðåìèò îíà âçîð Ñâîé â êðîâàâîå íåáî
È óâèäèò â íåì îòðàæåíüå Ãðÿäóùåé ïîáåäû
Ðàñïðàâü êðûëüÿ è ëåòè, îãíåííàÿ ïòèöà
Êàñàíüåì êðûëà çàæãè ýòîò ãîðîä
Ïëàìÿ îõâàòèò åãî, ïðåâðàòèò â äûì è ïåïåë
Íå îñòàâèò îò íåãî è ñëåäà
Ïîùàäû íåò-óáåé èõ âñåõ!!!
Who are you? –angel of death, spreading the bloody way?
What are you? – inevitable retribution for the brutal assassins?
Who are you? – impartial judge or composed hangman?
who are you?
4. Color of Death
The white sails are above the horizon
The strange sails from other lands
Hurried up by cold winds
The vessels are rushing to our shores
There are crosses on the sails and banners
And masts reaching up to the heavens
The launches touched the smoothness of the salty waters
Little did we know of the impending doom
We did not know that Death would spread its wings
Having stepped on the land of our fathers and grandfathers
And even Gods will be powerless this time
Facing the steel and fire of invaders
Blood will flow like boundless river
Endless will be mothers' sorrow
The clouds will close the land forever
The land most dear to us
The heart is beating in the cage like a bird without wings
The grief is tearing souls to pieces
The sky is tearing itself apart with a helpless moan
The helpless moan of our Motherland
Under the attack of the welded in steel
The strangers bringing destruction
The land of fathers is shaking and no use
To entreat the Gods for help
The land is forever stigmatized with the cross
Êðåñòîì Çåìëÿ íàâåêè çàêëåéìëåíà
Èñòåðçàíà ìåòàëëîì è îãíåì
Íàä íåé ÷óæèå ïîäíÿòû çíàìåíà
×óæîé ïîðÿäîê, âåðà è çàêîí
Òâåðäèëè ëþäÿì ìóäðåöû: "Íå âåðüòå,
Âû ýòèì áåëîñíåæíûì ïàðóñàì
Âåäü áåëûé öâåò âñåãäà áûë öâåòîì Ñìåðòè
À ãäå îíà, òàì íåòó ìåñòà íàì".
5. Serpent Land
When darkness comes and the Night begins
The enemies prepare to hunt and sin
For Ancient Glory of Pagan Past
Our spirit of war will arise
Connected by virtue to woods and rivers
We spent our lives near darkest shores
We keep our arms as symbol of fight
No one can conquer our land tonight.
The land of dark woods and waters of pure
We swear to save your richness for sure
The enemy will act strong, brutal and fast
In strength of soul and sword we trust
When darkness comes and the Night begins
The enemies prepare to hunt and sin
We keep our arms as symbol of fight
No one can conquer our land tonight.
Òûñÿ÷è êîïèé, íàïðàâëåííûõ ê ñîëíöó, çàòìèâ åãî ñâåò, (ïàóçà)
Îáðàòèëè äåíü â íî÷ü
Áëåñê ñòàëè ìîëíèåé ïðîíçàåò íåáî
Òåíè ìèðà óíîñÿòñÿ ïðî÷ü
Ïðèíåñåííûå â æåðòâó áîãó âîéíû
Ýõîì îòçîâåòñÿ âîèíñòâåííûé êëè÷!!
Clatters of horses, gnashing of metal
Fury in eyes feed a roaring Battle
The land was sprinkled by warm enemy's blood
Hymn of victory sings in our hearts
When darkness comes and the Night begins
The enemies prepare to hunt and sin
We keep our arms as symbol of fight
No one can conquer our land tonight.
Steel is cold and mind is clear
Forget about pain and feel no fear
Spirits of nature live deep inside
Leaving mercy and compassion behind
Rain falls down and wipes blood away
Fallen warriors step into the realm of gray
Forest 's leaves whisper very last pray
In eternity they stay
6. The Call of War
7. Purification of Wisdom
Deep within you are after some answer
it can hurt as none of known weapons
it blows within your true-self
it crashes the very borders of your keep
Diagnostics failed-none cares
all acceptable ways dealt of no core
flexible hands of anxiety are moving now
the only prescription left is suicide
Generations of your antestors
Shores of proto – seas and primal youth of the green
glens by the blood are within your cells
and standing on the ashes
observing this formed world
gradually becoming aware
that the mind trap turns into soul plot
granuled treasures of oblivion
renovated sharpness of thoughts
whole indulgence of the almighty
counting stages while the fall
And even while on your knees
when the present strikes sharply through
The only things that stable the strength
Are those ancient memories of yours?
So be thankful to the source
it was the Thing which delivered
you, doomed to existence
and finally forced for the purification of wisdom