"Amphitryon" (1999 EP)
1. Exegi Monumentum 2. Amphitrion 3. The Point of No Return 4. Odium Generis Humani
1. Exegi Monumentum
It flows, but we’re unable to realize that
It destroy, unquenchable is its power
It wraps, every single breath
It guides, our deeds inexorably
Hopelessly the cruel sandglss one tries to escape
Letting its sand grains for everyone
Oh, there’s a planty of grains
Yet no one’s ever succeded in pickin’up one
The few leave a trace
The few carve a name
The one who can add grains
To a granitic sandglass
Anyone would try to scream
Exegi Monumentum
Exegi monumentum aere perennius
Regalique situ pyramidum altius
Quod non imber edax, non aquilo impotens
Possit diruere aut innumerabilis annorum series
Et fuga temporum
Then immortal he became
He turned knight on untamed thoroughbred
With other few he rides
Together they’ll ride ‘till the end
Anyone would ride with them
Anyone would try to scream
Exegi monumentum
2. Amphitrion
They encircle night in winters
In our eyes only darkness and black
Minged with the moonlight reflected in the lake
Sinously confused by nocturnal haze and winter’s fog
This is the Amphitrion
Temple of the shadows of the wood
This is the Amphitrion
Only shadows can get there
The only sound is nature
The only presence are shades
The only sound is nature
The only sensation is chill!
A path leads us to the dark night
When what should appear but a hidden arch
Here it stands a huge monumentum
Here it rises sunken and around
Surrounded by ancient walls and strong
By falling through the narrow portal
The sky opens and the sound of night thrills
With echoes of unknown nature
This is the Amphitrion
Temple of the shadows of the wood
This is the amphitrion
Only shadows can get there
A path leads us to the dark night
When what should appear but a hidden arch
Here it stands a huge monumentum
Here it rises sunken and around
Surrounded by ancient walls and strong
By falling through the narrow portal
The sky opens and the sound of night thrills
With echoes of unknown nature
Unknowable and lonely to the outside
It’s impressive inside
This is the Amphitron
Only shadows can get there
This is the Amphitrion
Temple of the shadows of the wood
3. The Point of No Return
4. Odium Generis Humani