
"In the Visions of Ioldánach" (2000 Video/VHS)
1. Manannán 2. An Involution of Thorns 3. Fantasizing to the Third of the Pagan Vision (Quoth the Sky, Nevermore) Act II 4. An Evolution of Horns
1. Manannán
I am a wave: on the rapt Cythraul
I am a flood: across the croggy plain
I am a wind: of seven gates
I am a tear: the Sun lets fall
I am
Mac Lir
Noble warrior of lycanthropy
I am
High King
To shake thy cloak shall bring outbreak
I am a tide: that drags to engulfment
I am a current: a compass towards Visnech
I am a tempest: the onslaught of outburst
I am a zephyr: theirs is second pain
I am
Mac Lir
Avatar from sail to sea
Thy horse
Grand Steed
Chariots forever lead
I am an ocean womb: of all abysms
I am a blaze: for every burning bathym
I am a lure: of the plumbless benthos
I am a breaker: bottomlessness doom
I am
Mac Lir
Shape-changer; lar of Deep
Thy Sword
"The Answerer..."
Remember me thou art all wind
And back with gusts thou shalt return.
I'm the hawk: above this cliff, behind the waves
I'm the thorn: exude this rose, yet fleece the sky
...fleece the sky
I'm the hill: where poets walk and Tara lies
I'm the throne: from a tantalizing glimpse
...from a tantalizing glimpse.
I'm the hawk: above this cliff, behind the waves
I'm the thorn: exude this rose, yet fleece the sky
...fleece the sky
I'm the hill: where poets walk and Tara lies
I'm the throne: from a tantalizing glimpse
...from a tantalizing glimpse.
Hear the thunder roll
I am
And fear the sky shall fall!
2. An Involution of Thorns
Eko, Azarak,
Eko, Eko, Zamilak,
Eko, Eko, Cernunnos
Eko, Eko, Aradia.
Darksome night and ardent moon,
The chalice is passed, then ye fall North;
Hearken to the enchantress' rune--
Listen to the words to cry ye forth.
Earth and water, ether and fire,
Wand and pentacle and sword,
Toil ye unto our desire,
Hearken ye unto our word.
Unfettered and censet, scourge and knife,
Powers of the enchantress' blade--
Waken all ye into life,
Come ye as the charm is made.
3. Fantasizing to the Third of the Pagan Vision (Quoth the Sky, Nevermore) Act II
I stood before my reflection
With a beloved adherent
Waiting beneath the cross for a purpose
To drink my tepid blood from the chalice
Impart thou in the text of Scourge
And cleft through the veil of the virgin
Purity is to live
To the highest; and the highest is unjust
Fantasizing to the third of my gentile sight
In the gate of the mind appears
And arise with turbulence called I
[repeat chorus:]
The artfullness of the blind Shabbathai
For thee have I worshipped the Stars
I cried, while you perpetually died
...On top of Black Montanus of thy Septentrio
Animus of an aged Tetragrammaton
With stains, a lucid cicatrix of disgrace
With joyful, elated Endeavour
O lilywhite goat
Frail as a thicket of thorns
With a collar of gold for thy throat
A crimson bow for thy horns
O lilywhite goat
You made ma Paganal dreams erroneous
4. An Evolution of Horns
Goat of the welkin, A goat that dwells,
Horned conqueror of the night--
Lend your skill unto the spell,
And force our will by magick rite.
By all the endowment of land and sea
By all the might of moon and sun--
As we do will, so mote it be;
Chant the spell, and be it done.
Eko, Eko, Azarak,
Eko, Eko, Zamilak,
Eko, Eko, Cernunnos,
Eko, Eko, Aradia.