Formed in ´89, released 2 demos "Vicious Circle", in 1990 and "Malgrowth" in 1992. Quickly established as Denmarks premier Death/Thrash act in the international underground, signed to Progress for a multi album deal
following the release of the MCD "Stranded" in 1992, released debut "S.A.D." in 1993 to world wide acclaim,
laying the foundation for the Heavy Metal subterm Death´n´roll, and touring extensively in Europe and in the States.
Record second album "Spit Or Swallow" in 1994, whereof 4 songs were released in december as a MCD
"The Facelift EP", which breaks in the danish singles chart at number 42, being first ever extreme metal release featured on the list to this day. "Spit Or Swallow" released in April 1995, followed by festival appearances including Roskilde Festival in June, where the band performed in front of 12000 raving metal heads, and recorded the performancefor the first ever Death´n´roll live album "Live Eraser". Released 1996.
After extensively touring for "Spit Or Swallow", the band broke in half with Johnny Nielsen and Kim Mathiesen breaking out to form FACELIFT, and Anders Lundemark and Thomas Christensen continuing KONKHRA with hired help.
Chris Kontos and James Murphy joins the ranks and in 1997 " Weed Out The Weak" is released and quickly becomes Diehard Records best selling album, a record that stands to this day. Festivals and tours followed peaked by the bands performance at Roskilde Festival in 1997 in front of 18000 people. Chris is replaced by ex-Invocator drummer Per M. Jensen and his involvement marked the start of Konkhras experimental period.
The Death/Thrash influences were shelved for the recording of 1999´s "Come Down Cold", an eloboration of Konkhras sound into a more subtle direction. International touring followed, and also the completion of the contractual obligations with Diehard Records. Per M. Jensen left to join a band called The Haunted, and Anders decided to end the years of confusion and gave Johnny a call to see if it was time to reform the band in its original and most cheered shape. Some touring for CDC was finished, including 1 month supporting King Diamond in 2001, with the original line-up
intact. In 2002 the bands fifth album "Reality Check" was recorded at Anders´ studio Starstruck in Copenhagen, months were spent prepping the album and no outside influence was allowed, the album is featured on the bands own
Chopshop Records imprint and licensed to a world wide release through code666 Records.
And for this fifth album the world seem to agree: Konkhra is back to form and Reality Check is the bands strongest release to this day. International touring is planned, kicking off in Tel Aviv, Israel. This will be the first show performed by Konkhra in Israel as well as on the Reality Tour 2003, and an appropiate place to kick it off indeed.
Konkhra continues to wave their flag in the face of ignorance by major labels as well as independents, as they drag unknown labels out of the closet and puts them on the map. This is beating the odds when they are worst, and thats when you know its pure: They do it because they have to.
KONKHRA LYRICAL THEMES Sex,Hatred, Evil, Power, Introspection, Suffering
KONKHRA ORIGIN Denmark (Køge / Copenhagen), formed in 1989
KONKHRA CURRENT LINE-UP Anders Lundemark - Vocals/Guitar (Daemon (Dnk))
Lars Schmidt - Bass (also in Furious Trauma)
Mads Lauridsen - Drums
KONKHRA PREVIOUS LINE-UP Thomas "Gnist" Christensen - Bass on "Weed Out The Weak" (Red Warszawa, ex-Iniquity, ex-Daemon (Dnk), ex-Infernal Death (Dnk))
Søren Hee Johansen - Bass (ex-Jackal (Dnk))
Martin Kristensen - Bass on "Stranded"
James Murphy - Guitar on "Weed out the Weak", "The Freakshow" and "Come Down Cold" (Disincarnate, Death, Obituary, Cancer, Testament, Agent Steel, Explorers Club, guest for Crotchduster)
Lars Mayland - guitar on "Come Down Cold" tour
(Furious Trauma, ex-Red Warszawa)
Claus Vedel - Guitar, Vocals on "Stranded" and "S.A.D."
Kim Mathiesen - Guitar on "The Facelift", "Spit or Swallow", "Live Eraser", "Reality Check" (Facelift, ex-Human Factor (Dnk))
Jon Clausen - Drums on "Stranded"
Per M. Jensen - Drums on "The Freakshow" and "Come Down Cold"
(Invocator, The Haunted, Artillery, Geronimo, ex-Nightrage, ex-Daemon (Dnk), ex-Extreme Feedback)
Chris Kontos - Drums on "Weed out the Weak" (ex-Machine Head (US), ex-Testament, ex-Attitude Adjustment, ex-Verbal Abuse, ex-Exodus)
Johnny Nielsen - Drums (Facelift)
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