Black metal solo vehicle for the ever industrious Akhenaten. The Judas Iscariot mentor also operates Weltmacht (with Lord Imperial) and the Black Death Metal act Sarcophagus. Judas Iscariot is noted for its adherence to the purest of nihilistic Black Metal, its anti- commercialist approach and an exalted status on the underground scene. Many releases are issued in strictly limited edition formats. Initial recordings, billed as Heidegger in 1992, were apparently titled after the theorist Martin Heidegger.
Judas Iscariot bowed in with the 1993 demo 'Judas Iscariot'. It was to be two years before the follow up 'The Cold Earth Slept Below'. Further sessions ensued with 1996’s 'Thy Dying Light', 'Distant In Solitary Night' and 'An Ancient Starry Sky'. These albums would released out of sequence, 'Distant In Solitary Night' actually being recorded in the Spring of 1996 before 'Of Great Eternity'. Originally 'Thy Dying Light' was to be issued by the Head Not Found label although the album's lyrical content was deemed to be too offensive by the parent label.
Two tracks from the ‘Distant In Solitary Light’ album were also issued in 7" single format entitled ‘Arise My Lord’ on Akhenaten’s own Breath Of Night label. Akhenaten would relocate to Germany, and later Rumania, for later releases and would also become bass player for the infamous Czech Black Metal act Maniac Butcher.
Judas Iscariot have performed live as a trio with Akhenaton on vocals and guitar with Lord Imperial of Krieg on bass and Proscripter McGovern of Absu infamy on drums at the Texan ‘Sacrifice The Nazarene Child’ festival during 1999. A later line up for a headlining performance at the ‘Under The Black Sun’ festival in Germany found Lord Imperial staying the course with Maniac Butcher on drums and secondary guitars courtesy of Nargaroth's Kanwulf. This show was captured on the vinyl album ‘Under The Black Sun- Live’. Limited to a mere 500 copies the album, which included alongside the live cuts an 11minute studio track ‘Portions Of Eternity Too Great For The Eyes Of Man’, would much to Akhenaten’s chagrin command high prices on internet auction houses as demand far outstripped supply.
The bands 1993 demo was combined recordings from Krieg, Eternal Majesty and Macabre Omen for release on the French Spikekult label.
Akhenaten was announced as forging part of the Krieg live line up as bass player for the 2000 ‘Sacrifice The Nazarene Child’ event but in the event it would be Lust's S. Diabolus who filled the role.
The Russian Irond record label would fuse the 2000 releases for a May 2002 re-release coupling both 'Heaven In Flames' and 'Dethroned Conquered And Forgotten' as one under the former title. The same year a further endeavour of Judas Iscariot, Seed Of Hate, issued the 'Persecution Of The Christian Filth' album through the French Drakkar label.
Judas Iscariot was brought to a conclusion on 25th August 2002, coinciding with the 102nd anniversary of the death of Nietzsche. This closure was effected for purely artistic reasons related to preserving the band's original concepts.
JUDAS ISCARIOT LYRICAL THEMES Occult, Nihilism, Anti-Christian Invocations
JUDAS ISCARIOT ORIGIN United States of America (DeKalb, Illinois), formed in 1992
JUDAS ISCARIOT CURRENT LINE-UP Akhenaten (Andrew Harris) - all instruments and Vocals (Weltmacht, Sarcophagus (US), Jesus Fucking Christ, Flagellator (US), Krieg (live gigs), ex-Nargaroth (live gigs), Maniac Butcher (live gigs), Debauchery (US), ex-Seeds of Hate, ex-Desolation Hymn)
JUDAS ISCARIOT PREVIOUS LINE-UP Lord Imperial - Bass (Live '99-'00) ((Bael (Fra) (session), Demonic Christ (live bass 2001), Devotee (US), ex-Imperial (US), March into the Sea, Nachtmystium, Twilight (US), Weltmacht, N.I.L., Hidden (US)))
Cryptic Winter (Duane Timlin) - Drums (Session '00-'01) (Weltmacht, session drums for Krieg, Sarcophagus (US), ex-Broken Hope, ex-Divine Empire, Forest of Impaled, ex-Dying Fetus, Reign of Vengeance)
Proscriptor (Russley Randel Givens) - Drums (Live '99) (ex-Melechesh, ex-Magus, Equimanthorn (US), Absu, ex-Ossuarist, ex-Magnus Thorsen)
Butcher - Drums (Live '00) (ex-Maniac Butcher)
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