Grief's sludgy doom metal brought extremely slow riffs to the metal underground. The band was heavily influenced by Black Sabbath and doom warriors Saint Vitus. Grief's music was jagged, noisy, harsh and brutally dissonant. Lead singer Jeff Hayward favored the sort of tortured, throat-shredding, screaming vocals that were quite common in death metal/black metal and grindcore, and that risk-taking combination of grindcore-like vocals and slow, Sabbath-influenced riffs made Grief one of the more interesting alternative metal bands to emerge in the early ‘90s.
GRIEF GENRES Sludge/Doom Metal
GRIEF LYRICAL THEMES Inner mind torture through political matters
GRIEF ORIGIN United States of America (Boston, Massachusetts), formed in 1991
GRIEF CURRENT RECORD LABEL Pessimiser / Theologian Records
GRIEF CURRENT LINE-UP Eric Harrison - Bass, vocals
Jeff Hayward - Vocals, guitar (Disrupt, Noosebomb, Abhorred (US), Consume (US))
Rick Johnson - Drums
John Heidenrich - Guitar (Noosebomb, Exploding Christ , Trap Them , Abhorred (US))
GRIEF PREVIOUS LINE-UP Steve Nelson - Guitar (live member in Temporary Insanity
Terry Savastano - Guitar (Disrupt, Warhorse, Afterbirth (US))
Jay Stiles - Guitar (Disrupt)
Pete Cassin - Drums (ex-Fate of Icarus)
Chuck Conlon - Drums
Pete Donovan - Drums
Tim Morse - Drums
Randy Odierno - Bass then switched to Drums (Disrupt, Temporary Insanity, Noosebomb, Bane of Existence)
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