Dark Melodic Fantasy Metal = mixtures, elements & influences of gothic, black, doom, death, melodic, technical, speed, thrash, progressive, acoustic, and of course... fantasy.
Frozen Mist started off as a solo project in February 2004 by Jamie, because I felt a need to write music and to support the metal scene by utilizing a few PC programs to compose the music. It is an ongoing process. I write all original music and all original lyrics. Musically & lyrically, Frozen Mist is a genre of music that I classify as "Dark Melodic Fantasy Metal." Frozen Mist is influenced by bands such as Overkill, Serpentia, Orphanage, Eternal Gray and The Project Hate MCMXCIX just to name a few.
A year later in the wintery beginnings of 2005, I've drastically changed my music styles bent on more of lush fantasy and beautiful horror environments from my mind onto pieces of paper and into the music that I write. Frozen Mist mixes the perfect balance of horror and beauty.
A few internet collaborations from women online have helped out with vocals in the past which has given Frozen Mist that sort of "gothic" feel torwards the music with their swinging, yet beautiful operatic/soprano melodies.
The Frozen Mist album entitled "Weeping Redolence" released right after Christmas 2005 has really turned some heads on quite a few people. The very first official review has been written by Matt Hensch and can be read over at his review site here.
The "Godforsaken" album released on August 19th, 2006 features front cover photomanipulation artwork done by Amanda Abram and matches exactly very well with the lyrics and music for this CD. The lyrical content behind "Godforsaken" is simply all about desolation, isolation, complete hatred and infinite sadness. Matt Hensch's review for this CD can be viewed over here.
The "Sapphiric" CD was pretty much a rush job. I started work on this during the "Godforsaken" sessions because I have recieved new guitar samples in the summer of 2006 and really wanted to quickly experiment with them. My vocals, in my opinion, are not up to par with say the "Godforsaken" CD because I just want to get this "Sapphiric" album out of the way, hence its release in late October 2006.
In November 2006, Walt Davis from Ditch Driven joins Frozen Mist to play lead guitar for the band now, the haunting female soprano voice of Katarina Rose from "Godforsaken" rejoins for the new CD, Brandon Howey joins and will be partaking in overdubs and death metal vocals and of course myself doing the rest of the instruments and lead vox.
FROZEN MIST GENRES Dark Melodic Fantasy Metal
FROZEN MIST LYRICAL THEMES Love, Hate, Bereavement, Isolation, Sorrow, Horror
FROZEN MIST ORIGIN United States of America (Montoursville,Pennsylvania), formed in 2004
FROZEN MIST CURRENT LINE-UP Jamie Stonge - Vocals, Bass, Drums, Keys, Rhythm Guitar (Brumous)
Walt Davis - Lead Guitars
Katarina Rose - Vocals, melodies
FROZEN MIST PREVIOUS LINE-UP Taryn Graybeal - Lyrics & Female Vocals
Robert ``Gecko`` Frank - Vocals
Kathryn ``Silver`` Lough - Female Vocals
Matt Dunkleberger - Co-Composer
Sofia Baklatzi - Soprano
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