Part 1 - written in December 2005
It all began when Etienne and Simon came up with an idea of making aggressive and fast
music. Soon some riffs and lyrics have been made (in the end all changed). It was all set;
the only problem was to find a drummer with the same ambition and motivation to work hard.
They had a lot of possibly suitable drummers in their mind, but none of them was the right
one. After beating their brains out, they realized that their friend Alex was the right man for
the job but the fact that he didn't play drums at that moment as he had stopped playing
years ago was not a problem. The only thing that really mattered was that he had the same
way of focusing on music as Simon and Etienne did which meant more than all the skills in
the world.
After a long time looking for the rehearsal place we came up to a deal with a band called
Skorbut, who agreed to share their place with us. The three members started to put
something together but they had a lot of problems as Etienne was the only one with some experience. After some time they felt a need of having the second guitarist. They had to face
the same problem again: to find a person with the same ideas and goals. After some time
they found Matej, actually he found them. They couldn't have found a better person with the
same aspirations and aims; he brought a lot of new ideas, knowledge and skills to the band.
Soon afterwards, it came the day of the first concert, as the supporting band of Heat, the first demo, consisting of five songs, was recorded. They had plenty of new ideas and goals to
pursue so this was definitely a good start.
Part 2 - written in August 2006
In March 2006 the band recorded their second demo called "In Your Face" containing four
songs. The quality of the tracks was much better than the previous tracks from the first demo "Suffocated Madness". The second demo also contained a new song "Funeral Smell".
A compilation called New Order vol. II was released on 6 June 2006 in which BF presented themselves with the song "Primordial Need".
In April they decided to record their debut album which was supposed to include songs from
both demos and some new ones. Two months before the recording BF had felt that the
songs from the first two demos, that were released a year ago, don't represent them
anymore. Soon they decided to record a debut album including only new songs. So they've
put together 7 songs in only two months and started the recording of "Immortal Hate" in
August 2006 which was planned to be released in November 2006.
Part 3 - written in December 2006
After the release of their first full length entitled "Immortal Hate", Matej Latin left the band.
The band decided to carry on with their music as a three-member band without the second guitarist.
BLEEDING FIST LYRICAL THEMES Anti Religion, Death, Politics, War, Violence
BLEEDING FIST ORIGIN Slovenia (Izola/Koper), formed in 2005
BLEEDING FIST CURRENT LINE-UP Etienne Chelleri - Vocals, Guitar
Simon Dermota - Bass Guitar
Alex Destradi - Drums
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