Angel Corpse is a death metal band. whom formed in 1995 by Gene Palubicki and Pete Helmkamp.
"Hammer of Gods", the debut album from Osmose Productions(France), was recorded in July still as a three piece. Then Bill Taylor joined in October on rhythm guitar to make Angel Corpse a four piece. Angel Corpse supported Impaled Nazarene in Europe in December and recorded a live EP from one of the shows on that tour.
In May, the Wolflust EP was recorded with the full lineup , and several shows, including the Milwaukee Metalfest. These were played in the USA during the rest of the year.
The second Angel Corpse album, "Exterminate", was recorded in November 1997 at Morrisound Studios. "Exterminate", also released on Osmose, successfully captured the furious nature of the band's sound. With such songs as "Christhammer", "Sons of Vengeance", and "Wartorn" truly representing the direction that Angel Corpse would continue to go down.
After the release of "Exterminate" in 1998, drummer Tony Laureano replaced Longstreth in March. Angel Corpse played the April 'No Mercy II Festivals' in Europe, which consisted of 11 shows with Immortal, Cannibal Corpse, Obituary, Marduk and God Dethroned. This was an intial high for the group touring with some truly popular acts.
Rave reviews in magazines such as Terrorizer, Metal Maniacs, Pit, and numerous others, followed in the wake of the European and North American tours which became about later.
In November, Angel Corpse relocated to Tampa, Florida. where their work began in earnest on their third album: "The Inexorable". A follow up tour of the USA with Incantation and Krisiun in January/February 1999 spread the band further. A split EP with Martire and several covers for Dwell Records were recorded in April 1999.
But after that recording they split up that same year. However, they soon returned in 2006. After a few reports and romours, the band finalised that they were to record new material. Their 4th Full-length album entitled 'Of Lucifer and Lightning' is due for Spring 2007 through Osmose Productions.
ANGELCORPSE LYRICAL THEMES Anti-Christian, Warfare, the Occult
ANGELCORPSE ORIGIN United States of America (Kansas City, MO (early)/Tampa, FL (now)), formed in 1995
ANGELCORPSE CURRENT LINE-UP Pete Helmkamp - Bass, Vocals (Order From Chaos, Revenge (Can), Terror Organ, Feldgrau)
Gene Palubicki - Guitars (ex-Impiety (US), Apocalypse Command)
J.R. Daniels - Live Drums (Dark Prophecy (US), ex-Cattle Decapitation, ex-Trial by Stone, ex-Royal Anguish)
ANGELCORPSE PREVIOUS LINE-UP Bill Taylor - Guitars (Immolation, ex-Acheron (US), Feldgrau, Laceration (US))
Steve Bailey - live Guitars
Tony Laureano - Drums (ex-Acheron (US), ex-Astaroth (US), Aurora Borealis (US), ex-God Dethroned, Internecine, ex-Malevolent Creation, ex-Nile, live for 1349, Devolution (US))
John Longstreth - Drums (ex-Exhumed (US), Origin (US), Possession (US), ex-Skinless, ex-The Red Chord, Dim Mak)
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