AD HOMINEM is a Black Metal (with Thrash(old) / Industrial(new) influences) project created in 1998 by Kaiser W. who still is the sole human actively involved in the project, although session members are sometimes involved both in studio recordings and live events. The first demo "Omnes ad Unum" was released in 2000 and this quickly granted him label's interest. Ad Hominem quickly released a split and then his first full-length album in 2002. In 2003 the new album 'A New Race For A New World' came out. The album strongly increased Ad Hominem's reputation in the black metal scene, due to is unique bloodfreezing and ultraviolent style. In fact many underground releases followed beside the proper full length albums (split, eps, etc.) In 2004 Ad Hominem joined Avantgarde Music and the result is "Climax of hatred": a masterpiece of sonic violence. Kaiser Wodhanaz, mind and body of this human crushing black metal band is also involved in bands like NonEssenceGenesis and NearDeath and previously in THE CALL, Omnes Ad Unum, Eradication and Antithesis. Live session members of Ad Hominem are from the French black metal band CRYSTALIUM. ELITE import CD from Avantgarde Music, Italy.
Contrary to the popular belief, Ad Hominem is NOT a NSBM band. This have been stated by Kaiser W. on several occasions.
AD HOMINEM GENRES Industrial Black Metal
AD HOMINEM LYRICAL THEMES Anti-ZOG, Diatribe of modern mankind
AD HOMINEM ORIGIN France (Lyon), formed in 1998
AD HOMINEM CURRENT LINE-UP Kaiser Wodhanaz - Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Programming (Antithesis (Fra), Eradication (Fra), The Call, Nonessencegenesis, Neardeath, Omnes Ad Unum)
AD HOMINEM PREVIOUS LINE-UP Altar - Session Drums (Crystalium, Arkhon Infaustus, ex-Ultimatum (Fra))
Pwcca - Session Drums (Inkisitor, Eradication (Fra), ex-Christicide (Fra), Cantus Bestiae)
Valfadir - Session Bass (Noctis (Fra), Enimon Ni)
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